December 03, 2008

Maybe It's Hypomania, Not Mania

shoes: Michael Kors, leggings: Target, dress: H&M, vest: thrifted, jacket: Anne Taylor Loft
My current favorite possession: these here shoes by Michael Kors. They make me feel like a ninja, too bad I can walk only a maximum of 4 blocks in them without experiencing excrutiating pain. Such is life.

I am currently working on two drawings... when they are done I will post pics. For now, let's just say tigers, amateur fashion models, and crack are involved.

Ohhh and I realized that I need either a haircut or for my hair to grow. Badly. I don't want to look like a cross between Princess Diana and a thirteen year old boy any more!! Hair, can't you please grow out???!?!?!?!?!?!!! Kthx.


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